
I am currently a jewelry major at Maine College of Art. My latest interest and area of exploration is in the realm of costumes. Stemming mainly from my tendency to dress up before going out to concerts, dance parties, or music festivals, I have identified my incessant need to play, and have begun the transfusion of that energy into my studio practice. When in costume in a public space, the work becomes as interactive as the person wearing it. We exist in a difficult time in history. Why not play dress up? Why not make laughter and light where there might otherwise not have been?

If you look at anything people wear, it could more or less be considered a costume. I am also interested in how people make that distinction. At what point does what one is wearing become a “costume?” And who decides that? Beginning on October 23rd, I hope to find out. For 30 days, I am not allowed to leave my apartment without a full costume. Stay tuned for images and journal entries!

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